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The website houses agendas, meeting summaries, presentations and background docs. Use the pull down menus to search by date, document type, or group.

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Plenary #4 (7/12/2012)
 CA Rule 21 Settlement  (Other) (3,930k)
 Final PGE DG SP.06.01.12  (Agenda) (287k)
 Freeing the Grid.2011  (Other) (1,548k)
 NREL PV Screens Study  (Other) (744k)
 SCE Distribution Group Study Workshop Slides  (Other) (279k)
 MA DG Plenary IV Agenda.7.12.12  (Agenda) (111k)
 DG Options Matrix.7.12.12  (Other) (23k)
 Issues Planning.7.3.12  (Other) (16k)
 Directions to NSTAR Westwood  (Other) (105k)
 2nd Monthly Report to Commissioners  (Other) (66k)
 Fox Presentation 4th Plenary 7.12.12  (Presentations) (962k)
    Link to SEIA documents
 Forest Presentation 4th Plenary 7.12.12  (Presentations) (1,239k)
 DG Options Matrix v 7.3.12 revised  (Other) (47k)
 Issues Planning7-3-2updated.highlighted  (Other) (33k)
 To Do List from 7.12.12 Plenary  (Other) (13k)
 Draft Meeting Summary for 7.12.12 Plenary  (Meeting Summary) (214k)

You can search by Date, Document Type or Group:

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